WatchesGMT-Barcelona S.L.

Watches GMT was born over 10 years ago in Barcelona to provide a service for the sale of second hand watches for customers around the world with the best guarantees.

Our main objective is to provide a catalogue of watches with the greatest advantages for our customers, both in price and quality and service.

Our professionalism and craftsmanship have led over the years to be a leader in the watch market equipment, participating in international fairs watch and serving customers around the world.

The main objective of WatchesGMT is that our customers feel satisfied with the treatment, products and service they receive.

Watch making Service and Repairs

We have our own master watch maker who works on site, who has been in the business working with all the leading brands for over 20 years , who not only does he guarantee the authenticity of all the parts, he provides the in house maintenance service and guarantees that all parts are authentic and are working perfectly so the watch is ready to be worn.

We also have a good relationship with all the official dealers and distributos of each brand ensuring that if any parts need to be replaced we can readily replace them.

When the watch is polished we respect orginilaity of the watch and we try to leave give each watch the slightest polish leaving in tact its original forrm.


Trusted Seller
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WatchesGMT-Barcelona S.L.

C/PROVENZA 281 5-5

Tel.: [+34] - 647 464104
Mobil: [+34] - 934617390
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